Soviet Military Hierarchy

Soviet military hierarchy incorporates all the military ranks in a well customized manner. These military ranks are those ranks which were introduced immediately after the 1917 October Revolution. During that period, the Table of Ranks from Imperial Russia got demolished and these ranks came into continuation. But even these ranks got ceased out after the year 1991 due to dissolution of the great Soviet Union. Thought the Soviet military ranks got officially debauched yet the current Russian Federation along with Ukraine have been highly influenced with these ranks of great Soviet system.

In this article, the Soviet military hierarchy is explained in a chronological order. The pattern starts with highest rank attainable in Soviet Union and proceeding ahead with next second highest level and so on. The levels as well as sub levels are described below in the above mentioned pattern.

Soviet Military Hierarchy

Supreme Commander – The highest possible attainable military rank. This rank was reserved for most honored & admirable field commanders. This category has only one rank under it which is:

  • Generalissimus of the Soviet Union

Supreme Officers (General Officers) – This is the level which normally dictated the military during Soviet system. These were practically a part of military and almost owned the system. This level was divided into 15 sub parts which are described below starting with uppermost rank and proceeding ahead.

  • Marshal of the Soviet Union
  • Chief Marshal of Aviation of the Soviet Union
  • Chief Marshal of Artillery of the Soviet Union
  • Chief Marshal of Engineer Troops of the Soviet Union
  • Chief Marshal of Armoured Troops of the Soviet Union
  • Chief Marshal of Signals Troops of the Soviet Union
  • General of the Army
  • Marshal of Aviation
  • Marshal of Artillery
  • Marshal of Engineer Troops
  • Marshal of Armoured Troop
  • Marshal of Signals Troops
  • Colonel General
  • Lieutenant General
  • Major General

Senior Officers (Field Grade Officers) – This level of the Soviet Military hierarchy incorporates military professionals who owned a military troop and works under the orders of General Officers. This level included three ranks which are:

  • Colonel (Polkovnik)
  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Major

Company grade Officers (Junior Officers) – The Sergeants & Warrant officers after promotion used to become junior level officers. The sub ranks are:

  • Captain
  • Senior Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant
  • Senior Lieutenant

Michman/ Praporshchik (Master non-commissioned officers) – These non commissioned officer were as follows:

  • Senior Warrant Officer (Senior-praporshchik)
  • Warrant Officer (Praporshchik)

Sergeants (Petty Officers) – Sergeant level was divided into four sub ranks which are:

  • Sergeant Major (Starshina)
  • Senior Sergeant
  • Sergeant
  • Junior Sergeant

Soldiers – This was the lowest level in the Soviet Military hierarchy. This was kind of entry level to the Soviet military and laymen from Soviet used to join military at these levels.

  • Efreitor
  • Soldier