How Much Does Workplace Hierarchy Matter?

This is a very debatable question indeed! While the younger corporates will speak against it, the older and more experienced ones will be “for” this topic. Well, research says, that traditional work-place hierarchy is a veteran in the corporate field and has sustained itself in the modern times as well. That clearly shows that there must be something in it that speaks success, else it would have got obsolete since long.

What exactly is a corporate hierarchy? It is that structured organization of employees according to their skills, department, and position in any company. Each employee is usually awarded a designation (or a position) in the corporate ladder of the organization. When you look at this ladder from the top, it seems only too fair since it is a one-way ladder and you do not descend it. However, when you look at it from the very bottom, the climb feels laborious to an extent that the top of the ladder is sometimes invisible.

How Much Does Workplace Hierarchy Matter?


Corporate hierarchy`s continued existence proves that there is a certain need for power and control amongst the management of any business organization. Management board still maintains it`s importance in present day corporate culture. Corporate hierarchy can be explained as an effective tool to run a large organization. It also serves as an inspiration for employees to stay driven to their goals, in a quest to “get there” one day.

A fairly designed traditional hierarchy alsohelps empower deserving employees to reach their full potential. This order creates a sense of balance in the organization. Work delegation gets easier and the chain of command is maintained in a proper grid-like form. It thus becomes easier to form company policies and implement them in a rightful manner.


However, workplace hierarchy should be merit-based and more dynamic in the modern corporate world. To match with changing times and employee attitudes, corporate hierarchy might need some customization as well. If the traditional power structure is followed where age and experience preceded merit and performance, then this might unruffle the present generation of corporates. While experience is a plus, performance, and leadership skills must also be the key points to form the corporate hierarchy.

Young achievers need to be juxtaposed with their older and more experienced achievers, to make it a fair play. You got to win that “title”, to own it. If this is the motto of the corporate hierarchy, then there would be no mutiny against its presence. However, this is yet to be a reality in themajority of the business organizations, which leaves their employees in frustration.

Work-place hierarchy when seen in a negative light can retard people`s career, but talking about its positive aspect, it also makes some stars shine brighter! It is but human to always aspire to grow, personally as well as professionally and a work-place hierarchy might be that opportunity you are looking for, to reach the top.

Thus, to conclude the debate, yes, corporate hierarchy definitely matters (both for the employer and the employee) but in diametrically opposite ways, in most cases. The attribute of the matter also changes from one organization to another.