What is an Example of a Hierarchy?

Hierarchy is a technique to bring things, names, objects, categories, values together and put them in an order (high to low). It is a way of telling if two items are above, below or at par with each other. It is a highly useful tool as helps in referring to a variety of systems and organizes them in an order which is often referred to as Hierarchical Structure.

A hierarchy is a system or structure in which individuals, groups, or elements are ranked or organized according to their level of importance, authority, or status. Here’s an example of a hierarchy in a corporate setting.

In a hierarchy, things are either related directly or indirectly, or they are either connected vertically or diagonally.

What is an Example of a Hierarchy?

The hierarchy can be of various kinds. Following are some of the examples of a Hierarchy.

  1. Management Hierarchy
  2. Social Hierarchy
  3. Political Hierarchy
  4. Business Hierarchy
  5. Jobs Hierarchy
  6. Company Hierarchy
  7. Police Hierarchy
  8. Corporate Hierarchy
  9. Church Hierarchy
  10. Military Hierarchy
  11. Career Hierarchy
  12. Ancient Hierarchy
  13. Court Hierarchy
  14. Education Hierarchy
  15. Racial Hierarchy
  16. Sports Hierarchy
  17. Family Hierarchy
  18. Royal Hierarchy
  19. Feudal Hierarchy
  20. Religion Hierarchy
  21. Gang Hierarchy
  22. Financial Hierarchy
  23. Animal Hierarchy

Following is an example of a hierarchy in details.

Business System Hierarchy

In a business hierarchy system, an individual report to the seniors and supervises the junior. This hierarchy system continues till the managing director and CEO level since they are the top level management in an organization. The hierarchy system is essential in an organization as it provides a clear understanding of an individual’s Jobs and responsibilities. Following is the detailed analysis of the business system hierarchy.

The Hierarchy system of a business:

CEO: The chief executive officer or the CEO of an organization looks after the performance of the business. He is the in charge of the business planning and makes sure it is executed as planned. He is the key decision maker in an organization. Check here for Examples of Hierarchy in the Magazine Industry.

Managing Directors: Managing Directors are highly qualified individuals with an enormous amount of experience. Managing directors look after the entire operations of an organization and make sure that all the departments are working properly.

General Managers: The General Managers report to the Managing Directors and supervise the Senior Managers. General Managers look after various divisions of an organization. They make sure that all the divisions are able to execute and deliver as planned by the Managing Directors. General Managers are good decision makers and their experience helps their senior managers when they are stuck in a situation.

Senior Manager: Senior Managers report to the General Managers and supervise the Assistant Managers. An organization has various functions such as Human resources, Accounts, Finance, Marketing, Operations, Communication etc. It is the responsibility of a Senior Managers to manage a particular department and make sure that his team progresses as desired.

Assistant Manager: Assistant Managers report to the Senior Managers and Supervises the operational level employees. They look after the profitability of the organization. They are also required to report to senior managers of the daily developments of the department. Additionally, they are required to instruct the juniors about their daily tasks and their targets if any. They make a progress report in order to keep a track on the daily growth and development of the organization.

Operational level Employees: These are the key people in the execution of the plans. They deal with the resources and machines. They do the field work for the organization and perform the actual execution of the targets. They report to the Assistant Managers and have Executives working under them.

Executives: They are at the bottom of the hierarchical structure. They ensure that all the daily activities required for the proper functioning of the organization are performed. These activities are then monitored by the senior managers. They make sure to achieve the targets provided by the assistant managers.

Interns: Interns are the lowest in the business hierarchy system. The people are usually not permanent employees of the organization. They get proper training in their field of interest and if they are found valuable by the organization then they can get hired by the organization as a permanent employee.

The division of the business system in the form of business hierarchy helps to ensure that the duties are divided well among the employees and the organization is, therefore, able to function smoothly. The business hierarchy system may vary for different companies however on a broad level it remains the same.

The people at the lower level of the business hierarchy can help with their skills and day to day activities while the people on the higher level of the hierarchy can help with their knowledge and experience.

Other Examples Include:

  1. Top-Level Management: At the top of the hierarchy are the executives or top-level management, including the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), CFO (Chief Financial Officer), COO (Chief Operating Officer), and other C-suite executives. They are responsible for setting the company’s overall direction, making strategic decisions, and overseeing the entire organization.
  2. Middle Management: Beneath the top-level management are middle managers who oversee specific departments or divisions within the company. Examples include department heads, directors, and regional managers. Middle managers are responsible for implementing the strategies set by top management, managing day-to-day operations, and supervising employees within their departments.
  3. Supervisors and Team Leaders: Below middle management are supervisors and team leaders who directly supervise teams of employees. They are responsible for assigning tasks, providing guidance and support, and ensuring that work is completed efficiently and effectively. Supervisors often serve as a link between upper management and frontline employees.
  4. Frontline Employees: At the bottom of the hierarchy are frontline employees who perform the day-to-day tasks required to deliver products or services to customers. These may include sales representatives, customer service agents, production workers, and administrative staff. Frontline employees carry out the operational activities of the company and are essential for its success.
  • Executives and Top Management: At the top of the hierarchy are executives and top management who are responsible for setting the overall strategic direction of the organization. They make major decisions, establish goals and objectives, and allocate resources to different departments. Executives provide leadership and have the ultimate responsibility for the success of the company.
  • Middle Managers: Middle managers play a crucial role in the hierarchical structure. They bridge the gap between top management and frontline employees, ensuring that the company’s strategic goals are effectively implemented. They are responsible for planning, organizing, and coordinating the activities within their departments or teams.
  • Support Staff: Support staff members are essential for the smooth functioning of an organization. They provide assistance and support to various departments and individuals within the company. This may include human resources personnel, IT technicians, administrative assistants, and maintenance staff.
  • Supervisors: Supervisors are responsible for overseeing the work of frontline employees and ensuring that tasks are carried out efficiently. They provide guidance, monitor performance, and address any issues or concerns that arise. Supervisors play a crucial role in maintaining productivity and ensuring that quality standards are met.
  • Team Leaders: Team leaders are responsible for leading a specific team or group of employees within a department. They coordinate the activities of their team, delegate tasks, and facilitate communication and collaboration among team members. Team leaders play a key role in fostering a positive and productive work environment.