Ancient Aztec Hierarchy Pyramid

The structure of the Ancient Aztec Hierarchy pyramid was very neat and organised. The Ancient Aztec empire was one of the most glorious empires of the ancient history of the world which has contributed a lot to the traditions and cultures of the world. This empire had a hierarchial structure which is given below in a descending order. The Emperor ranks first and slaves rank the last in the Aztecs social hierarchy pyramid of the Ancient Aztec Empire. Read below to know more:

Ancient Aztec Hierarchy Pyramid

  • Emperor: The emperor was the most important and prime person of the Ancient Aztec hierarchy. He was the ruler and protector of the entire kingdom and he would make decisions which were mandatory to be followed by the people of the empire. The emperor used to take all the important decisions and look after the well being of the kingdom as a whole.
  • Nobles and Priests: The noble men ranked right below the Emperor. The priests also held this rank because they were the most respected people when it came to religion as they used to preach about religion and culture. The noble men included ministers, army heads and other big position holders in the administration of the empire.
  • Merchants and Artisans: The Merchants were small and medium scale businessmen of the kingdom who used to look after the trade and commerce of the Empire. Artisans were skilled artists who had a great contribution in preserving the culture and skilled arts of the time.
  • Soldiers: Soldiers were the ones who were in the army of the Empire, responsible for the protection of the borders. Soldiers were the ones who earned less then the merchants and hence, they ranked lower to them. Soldiers were taught different warfare skills and trained in order to fight the enemies.
  • Farmers and Fishermen: Farmers and fishermen were the ones who supplied the main agricultural produce to the entire kingdom. They were not really holding a strong amount of money in their hands and were of lesser importance than the soldiers. They used to wear simple clothes and women used to wear metal jewellery as well.
  • Slaves: The slaves stand to the most bottom position in each and every hierarchy. Slaves were people, often labourers who were forced to work for long hours without allowing them access to basic human rights and adequate payment wedges. They were often tortured by the other people of the Aztec kingdom.

This is the structure of Ancient Aztec Hierarchy pyramid. Also, know about Aztec military hierarchy.